Saturday, May 12, 2012

How To List Your Title on LinkedIn When You're Unemployed

It is never easy when you are laid off or lose your job. It doesn’t get any easier when you start the daunting task of a job search. I’ve said it a dozen times, and I’m sure you have heard it a hundred more from others, but utilizing LinkedIn as part of your search is highly recommended. A question came up the other day from a job seeker in regards to the title one should use on a LinkedIn profile when unemployed? 

LinkedIn actually suggests that you should say “open to new opportunities” if you are unemployed and searching. There are several similar titles that you can use such as “available for a new opportunity,” or “currently exploring new opportunities.” Compare these title versus titles such as “I need a job!,” Hire me,” or “available for employment immediately.” These are all actual titles I have seen, and in contrast convey a different connotation to recruiters and hiring managers. You want to emphasize you are open and available, but not desperate. Desperation is not an attractive quality.

In addition to your new title, make sure to update your status at least every few days so that your network knows you are looking. Again, don’t sound desperate (“able and willing to do anything”). Use the same type of updates as your title, with just a little more specificity. “Open to new opportunities in finance,” or “currently exploring opportunities in the field of marketing” are much better ways of stating it. One last way I have seen many people attack the title issue is by stating they are open for freelance positions. Generating some cash and supplementing your income while you are unemployed is always nice.

Keep in mind that in order to be visible on LinkedIn, you have to be active on LinkedIn. Here are 10 steps increasing your visibility and success on LinkedIn.

Lastly, don’t get caught up on dwelling about being unemployed to the point that you become a self-fulfilling prophecy. In other words, don’t assume that because you are not currently employed that nobody will want to hire you. Instead focus on the skills and experience you bring to the table, and you will attract the right recruiters and hiring managers. The key is to start early, be persistent, and remain positive through the ups and downs. Remember: countless others have successfully secured new employment opportunities while unemployed, so there is no reason you cannot either.

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